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10 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat and Stoney take time out from their duties to try and collect the bounty posted on a legendary golden wolf that roams the Colorado foothills. A couple of wolf hunters don't take kindly to a pair of amateur hunters horning in on their range and attempt to drive the G-Men away before they can capture or kill their quarry.

2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat and Stoney investigate the mysterious closing of a government silver mine and the ghost town left in its wake. They meet several suspicious characters in the empty town, one of whom holds the answers they seek.

3 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat Gallagher and his sidekick Stoney Crockett are Secret Service agents in the Old West, dispatched by the government to investigate crimes threatening the young nation.

2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat and Stoney are dispatched to Central City to investigate the disappearance of two Postal Inspectors. They are puzzled by the large amount of mail being sent to the post office in the town of El Dorado. Puzzled, because El Dorado has been a ghost town for years.

3 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat and Stoney are sent to Texas when it is discovered that a large number of Federal Gold Bonds held by the State of Texas are counterfeit.

2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat and Stoney are ordered to Wisconsin to investigate an Indian agent's claim that a lumber company is forcing the Chippewa Indians off their reservation in order to harvest pristine stands of pine trees. The G-men's investigation is hindered by the distrust of the Chippewas as well as the lumbermen.

2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣An outlaw gang is stealing gold from Chinese placer miners, then driving off their claims with outrageous taxes. Because they're Chinese, they can't sue the local government agents. With Stoney posing as a Chinese miner and Pat pretending to be a representative of an Eastern engineering company, the U.S. government tries to bring an end to the careers of the outlaw gang and crooked state government agents.

3 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat and Stoney are ordered to California to investigate reports of an anthrax epidemic and get involved in murder and a feud between neighboring ranchers.

4 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat Gallagher and his sidekick Stoney Crockett are Secret Service agents in the Old West, dispatched by the government to investigate crimes threatening the young nation.

2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat and Stoney tangle with a gang of robbers who have hijacked an Army payroll.

2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pat and Stoney are ordered to San Pablo, Mexico, to find out what's behind the trouble an American tungsten mine is having. When they arrive, they discover the mine has been closed, the wells are all poisoned and the town is in the grip of a malaria epidemic. To make matters worse, the lawmen have been followed by four gunslingers determined to give the American troubleshooters all the trouble they can handle - and more.

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